The Terra Revolution

There was a time when people believed that all the heavens revolved around a fixed and central earth. Man thought of himself as being at the center of all things with an entire universe revolving around him. A quiet man named Nicholas Copernicus changed history by envisioning a system in which the earth revolved around the sun... a system which took man from the center and placed him in the midst of a vast immensity of planets, stars, galaxies and nebulas.

Several hundred years later, our world, our thinking, our self-conception have been molded, formed and determined by the Copernican Revolution. This simple shift in thinking was one of the most important intellectual events in human history.

Today, a universe of people needing housing revolves around a fixed set of traditional building materials and methods whose cost makes it impossible to satisfy the need. The time has come to acknowledge a revolutionary new way of thinking about affordable housing and construction. As in most great revolutions, this revolution proceeds from combining simplicity with a new twist ... a fusion of old and new.

Terra Block Inc., (TERRA) is the leader of the Terra Revolution and stands at the threshold of explosive growth. After years of quiet research and development, several million dollars of investment and a relentless quest for excellence, TERRA is ready to market our revolutionary line of machines.

These portable machines that convert ordinary earth on a building site into rock hard, durable blocks used in constructing buildings. The machine is towed to a site or in the case of the Cinva Ram, simply loaded into a car or truck and carried to the site. It takes the earth, which is already there in abundance and converts it into strong, stable building blocks. There is no material cost and no freight expense. The blocks are dry stackable and do not require skilled labor. The resulting home or commercial structure is stronger than traditional structures and 25 times more energy efficient because of the massive 12" earthen walls.

The idea of bringing a portable machine to a site and manufacturing the primary building material out of the earth itself is as simple and revolutionary as Copernicus' method of viewing the earth as moving rather than fixed. It changes the fundamental way that we think about home building.

The potential of TERRA's product is virtually unlimited. Housing can be erected at very low cost anywhere earth is found. And earth is the worlds most abundant building material. The Terra Block home is very inexpensive to operate because the walls act as giant heat banks, stabilizing interior temperature and eliminating much of the need for heating and air conditioning. Net cost of construction and operation is exceedingly low.

A product that makes possible the large-scale construction of low cost, affordable and energy efficient homes is an extraordinary creation. Every country in the world needs affordable housing. The third world nations have critical population problems and the rate of growth is increasing. The former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc have housing needs which stagger the imagination. The need for affordable housing in the United States is acute in every major city.

TERRA has perfected a product that converts our most abundant material into one of our most needed materials. Literally, hundreds of millions of people are homeless or living in shacks. They live in conditions practically defy conception. The impact of affordable housing on relieving human suffering and misery is dramatic.

A home gives a man dignity, self-respect and hope. These are the needs to be satisfied if there is to be any hope of solving today's pressing social problems. Leaders of the developing world have said this time and time again. Shelter is one of the three primary human needs, along with food and water. The latter sustains physical life. Shelter not only sustains physical life, it also provides a basis or foundation for our social life.

TERRA is at the threshold of a practically limitless market. The market is so large that no single company can measure its performance as a percentage or as a share of the market. TERRA's success is measured by defining its own goals for profitable growth and achieving them in the intended manner.

TERRA technology provides a solution to a great world problem. It is made possible by space age advances in technology and an attitude towards the world that places man as one inhabitant amongst many on "Spaceship Earth" In the concept of being one amongst many in a world of limited resources implies a concept of responsibility for our actions. Worldwide environmental and ecological awareness contrasts starkly with the insensitivity of earlier generations, much as the new Copernican view contrasted with the view of the heavens revolving around the earth.

The TERRA revolution is based upon maximum use or the earth's resources with minimum impact on both the "spaceship" and the passengers. It fits in perfectly with modern environmental thinking. It is "Green" technology whose time has come.






The TERRA Revolution

is all about the way we think of people and their need for affordable and efficient shelter



These portable machines that convert ordinary earth on a building site into rock hard, durable blocks used in constructing buildings.




The Terra Block home is very inexpensive to operate because the walls act as giant heat banks, stabilizing interior temperature and eliminating much of the need for heating and air conditioning.



When nations can house all their people... Their people can live with dignity and hope for the future.

What more valuable product can a company offer ?



Earth construction is an old method transformed by space age technology


The TERRA Revolution bonds us to the earth we depend on.

Copyright 2006 - Terra Block Inc.
© Copyright 2008 - Terra Block Inc.